by Rico Trebeljahr
Site Demo
What this blog should be capable of!
This is a site demo! It is only a quick showcase of what this blog can do, to test when refactoring that all the bits and pieces still work and also to show how flexible markdown setups with MDX are! Maybe, I'll write a writeup on how this blog works...
Table of contents
Some awesome quote.
Another Quote.
function divScalar(vec: Vec2, scalar: number) {
return new Vec2(vec.x / scalar, vec.y / scalar);
function multScalar(scalar: number) {
return new Vec2(vec.x * scalar, vec.y * scalar);
function sub(vec: Vec2, vec2: Vec2) {
return new Vec2(vec.x - vec2.x, vec.y - vec2.y);
function add(vec: Vec2, vec2: Vec2) {
return new Vec2(vec.x + vec2.x, vec.y + vec2.y);
Accessible Emojis
Like this. 🤗
Which should look like this in the HTML in the dev tools!
<span role="img" aria-label="hugging face">🤗</span>